March 03, 2021
Here is a simple snippet of code that allows you send gcode commands to a 3d printer through serial(aka usb cable) using python.
import serial
import time
from datetime import datetime
def command(ser, command):
start_time =
while True:
line = ser.readline()
if line == b'ok\n':
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-AG0KEQWV', 115200)
command(ser, "G28\r\n")
command(ser, "G28 X0 Y0 Z0\r\n")
# command(ser, "G28 X0 Y0\r\n")
# command(ser, "G28 X0\r\n")
# command(ser, "G28 Y0\r\n")
# command(ser, "G28 Z0\r\n")
# Extruder Temp
# command(ser, "M104 S190 T0\r\n") # start heating T0 to 190 degrees Celsius
# command(ser, "G28\r\n") # Home
# command(ser, "M109 S190 T0\r\n") # wait for T0 to reach 190 degrees before continuing with any other commands
# Bed Temp
# command(ser, "M140 S55\r\n") # heat bed to 50 degrees celsius but do not wait
# command(ser, "G28\r\n") # Home
# command(ser, "M190 S55\r\n") # wait for bed to heat to 50 degrees celsius and wait
# Fan
# command(ser, "M106 S255\r\n") # fan speed full
# command(ser, "M106 S127\r\n") # fan speed about half
# command(ser, "M106 S0\r\n") # turn off fan
# Set Units(does not seem to work on ender 5)
# command(ser, "G20\r\n") # inches
command(ser, "G21\r\n") # millimeters
# Absolute Mode
command(ser, "G90\r\n")
# Relative Mode
# command(ser, "G91 X10\r\n")
# Move
# command(ser, "G0 X7 Y18\r\n") # rapid motion but does not extrude material
command(ser, "G0 X350 Y350\r\n") # rapid motion but does not extrude material ender 5 plus is 350 x 350
command(ser, "G1 Z0.345 F500\r\n") # change layer
command(ser, "G0 X50 Y50\r\n") # rapid motion but does not extrude material ender 5 plus is 350 x 350